Sunday, December 2, 2007

CNN - "Corrupt News Network",0,4122002.column?coll=la-home-center

This article from the normally liberal leaning LA Times articulates the bias, incompetence and self-serving corruption of CNN that was highlighted in the recent GOP presidential "debate".

The author correctly points out that when 5,000 YouTube questions are submitted, and CNN chooses a small number for the event, they are really CNN's questions. What seems to be ignored by CNN is that this is a GOP primary debate. That means that the debate is for the benefit of Republicans and should explore issues that are important to people that are going to be voting in the primaries to choose a GOP presidential candidate.

Instead, the questions selected by CNN seemed to exclusively focus on issues that were less important, but also that would paint conservatives in a negative light. How else do you reconcile selecting questions on the infallibility of the bible, the confederate flag, gays in the military and the like?

To expand on the LA Times commentary, I'm not sure what to make of the whole debacle. There are certainly convincing arguements that can be made for both incompetence and bias. Frankly, I think it demonstrates how the liberal media outlets view conservatives. They think all conservatives are right wing extremist kooks. It is possible that this bizarre selection of questions and questioners represents CNN's view of "mainstream conservatives". One of the questioners looked like the Unibomber had been let out of prison and given access to YouTube.

The now infamous truth that questions were selected from committed Democrat voters can only be explained by a deliberate effort to support the Democratic Party or complete incompetence. There are no other choices. A simple Google search by whoever at CNN that was charged with vetting the questioners would have discovered the Democratic Party connections. But when you not only feature a question by a member of a Hillary Clinton campaign committee, but also fly him in to further challenge the GOP candidates, the denials by CNN that "we didn't know" ring hollow.

Not only has CNN confirmed the liberal agenda in their portrayal of the news but also that they are too incompetent to be viewed as a legitimate news source.

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