Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another Confused Democrat - Poor Representative Kaptur

Marcy Kaptur, (D) Ohio, provided the one amusing moment during Chairman Bernake's testimony to the House Budget Committee today. One of her many questions related to the culpability of Wall Street investment firms in creating the housing credit mess. She said that since Chairman Bernake's previous job was as the former CEO of Goldman Sachs she would appreciate his views.

Aides and Chairman Bernake were quick to point out that the former CEO of Goldman Sachs was Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson. Representative Kaptur looked confused for a moment and then said something to effect of "Oh, you're the other one". I'm pretty sure she has absolutely no idea who Ben Bernake is or what his responsibility is.

Chairman Bernake wryly said that his former job was "CEO of the Princeton Economic Department". Marcy Kaptur may have a bright future one day as Democratic Speaker of the House.

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