Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Clintons Take a Page Out of the Nixon Playbook

All disingenuous protests to the contrary, the Clinton's have taken every chance to label Barack Obama as the "black candidate". They don't care if they alienate the black community during the Democratic primary because they believe that if they win the nomination, they will still receive the black vote in the general elections.

Bill Clinton shamelessly tried to whip up a white voter backlash by drawing parallels between Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson in South Carolina. This week, in his best Nixonian style, Bill Clinton strongly stated that he did not make an issue of Senator Obama's black heritage during the South Carolina primary. This is exactly the same as Richard Nixon in 1960 when he emphatically stated that he would not make an issue on John F. Kennedy's Catholic religion. Of course by making that statement he was making sure that Kennedy wore the Catholic label.

Does anyone really think that Geraldine Ferraro's statement that Obama is only where he is because he is black was not orchestrated by the Clinton campaign? Ms. Ferraro is too savvy and experienced a political operative to do this by accident. She took one for the team, while allowing the Clintons plausible deniability.

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