Saturday, October 13, 2007

Common Sense Responses to Global Warming

The following link is an article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing economic common sense responses to global warming.

Bjorn Lomborg is a professor at the Copenhagen Business School. He isn’t an environmental scientist, so he starts with the global warming estimates from the UN that some scientists believe are exaggerated. Nevertheless, even with this as the starting point, he make a case for using economic common sense in responding to solution to rising temperatures and their ancillary effects instead of the economically devastating Kyoto approach.

The scientific consensus regarding the Kyoto Protocol is that it will not produce a temperature change that can be measured. Imposing carbon caps resulting in trillions of dollars in economic impact to the world economies without change that can be measured? Instead of solving the problem it will deny Africa and other poor areas of the world simple advances like electricity.

Dr. Lomborg’s article show that a little common sense can go a long way to achieving positive results for the world a much lower cost, making sure the cure is not worse than the disease.

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