Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Dry is the Desert?

I've seen several stories and comments by the likes of CNN and Harry Reid about how the fires in Southern California are the result of global warming and that we are entering a long term period of conflagration. The rationale is that global warming is making Southern California and the Los Angeles area too dry.

OK, let's break this down. Many people don't know that Los Angeles is in the middle of a desert. In fact, the only reason a city can even exist there is that an entire major river was re-routed from the Sierra-Nevada mountains to Los Angeles to provide water.

I hate to disappoint Senator Reid, but deserts are DRY, global warming or not. Being from Nevada Harry Reid should understand this but unfortunately he often struggles with basic concepts.

The hot, dry Santa Anna winds that are fanning the flames are a long standing weather phenomenon that often occur this time of year - and have since time immemorial.

Now there are reports that some of the fires were deliberately set. Perhaps the arsonists were global warming warriors trying to "fan the flames" of this controversial issue.

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