Monday, November 12, 2007

Agenda-Driven Sensation Trumps Heroic Bravery

Michael Murphy recently became only the third solider in the Middle East conflicts to be awarded the Medal of Honor. He is the first Navy Seal to be awarded the Medal of Honor, our nation's highest honor for military combat service, since the Vietnam War. Michael Murphy was killed in Afghanistan in a two hour firefight with the Taliban. Although mortally wounded he bravely continued to fight and saved his team against frightful odds.

The Abu Grab story was on the front page of the New York Times approximately 60 times, including 30 days in a row. You would have thought this was the most important story of our time. It was an unfortunate incident. But you would have thought is was as important as the National Enquirer's loyal paparazzi pursuing Brittany Spears to her next train wreck. The front page for 30 days in a row? This is a prime example of agenda-based "journalism".

Michael Murphy's Medal of Honor award was pushed all the way back into the "Metro" section of the New York Times. He was a local kid from New Jersey.

It just makes you wonder.

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