Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Rise of Left on Left Violence in America

There is a disturbing trend in liberal land. The left wing of the left wing has become so radicalized that they've begun to attack their own. In some ways this "left on left" violence is amusing. But unfortunately the radical left of the Democratic Party are dragging the more moderate members of the party away from the middle, or even away from far left of middle.
  • The comedian Bill Mahr, an often funny and always very liberal guy, was taping a show for HBO the other day. Extreme left wing radicals disrupted the taping by shouting out protests about Bill Mahr not promoting the loony left's theory that building 7 of the World Trade Center was imploded by the government.
  • Nancy Pelosi was asked a couple of weeks ago about the House Democrats lack of success in fulfilling their campaign pledge to end the war in Iraq. She very tersely and bitterly complained that anti-war demonstrators camp out by her residence protesting the fact that Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats are not doing enough to end the war. Of course Nancy could end the war by not funding it but she doesn't have the courage to vote her "convictions".
  • Left wing loons interrupted a speech by former President Bill Clinton the other day. Their contention - that 9/11 was an "inside job" perpetrated by the government. To his credit President Clinton responded, "An inside job? How dare you. How dare you."
  • Whoopie Goldberg told Speaker Pelosi on "The View" the other day that she wanted to have "3-way" sexual encounter with her and her husband. Nancy just smiled stupidly.
  • While the Democrats were grilling General Petreaus at the Iraq security hearings in September far left wing protesters interrupted the hearing over and over again. They were all wearing pink crowns that looked like they had been cut out of pink construction paper. As security dragged one after another out they would say something unintelligible and scream, "AHHHHH, AAAHHHHHHHHH".
  • The Democratic Party is under constant assault by and Koss to pursue a more radically liberal agenda. Many Democratic members are conflicted. They don't agree with but they need the money it raises - drawing them to more radically liberal extremes.

One wonders when these attacks on the far left by the radical left will actually result in physical violence.

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